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Jill Leary and Railyard Arts Studio: Persistence During a Pandemic

August 30, 2020

As the year 2020 got underway, ceramic artist and teacher Jill Leary was looking forward to another year of growth at her Westchester studio and school, Railyard Arts Studio.  Open for about eighteen months, the converted former lumber yard building was humming with activity, with potters busy in the clay studio and a variety of artists painting, print making, and working in stained glass in the big “art room.”  Leary’s dream of creating a warm and welcoming community for artists had become a reality.  By March, that dream was under attack by a micro-organism called COVID-19.


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Clay Art Center Seeking Studio Manager

Clay Art Center Seeking Studio Manager

July 02, 2020

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Clay Art Center Celebrates at Annual Benefit

September 07, 2019

For nearly a lifetime, Clay Art Center in Port Chester, New York has promoted the benefits of art education through the hands-on medium of clay. Each fall, since 2007, students, instructors, administrators, board members, and contributors pause to celebrate the history and accomplishments of this eminent arts organization at its annual benefit. 


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