Our retail store is open M-F 10am - 3pm & the second Saturday of the month 10am - 3pm.

The Marks Project Documents American Ceramic Artists

September 17, 2018

More than a few decades into the digital revolution, the expectation for instant information is pervasive.  At workplace water coolers, dinner tables, and social gatherings, cell phones and tablets are called into service to provide answers to questions ranging from the mundane to the obscure.  The 21st–century native wants answers now and answers fast. The availability and accessibility of all...

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Akron Artists Part of Neighborhood Revitalization

September 17, 2018

Zeber-Martell Gallery & Clay Studio

Claudia Zeber-Martell

Michael Martell


There likely is no independent artist who at one time or another hasn’t longed for the age of patronage, imagining the luxury of creative freedom without the practical worries of paying the bills. The challenge for artists today is finding an income stream that will support their art without cutting too deeply into time...

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Potter Brett Kern Plans Move to Pittsburgh

September 17, 2018

At the age of two and a half, on the occasion of his sister’s birth, potter Brett Kern was given a gift that would foreshadow his ultimate life ethos: an inflatable, vinyl dinosaur. His utter fascination with the toy is one of his earliest memories. Today, the thirty-something artist has a wide following of admirers and collectors of his popular clay dinosaur series, along with other “inflatables”...

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